
The K Factor- Kevlar® Gel Vento
Invented in 1965, Kevlar® is widely used as a reinforcing synthetic fiber for bulletproof vests, military helmets, and aerospace and aeronautical components.

Veredus has therefore chosen this material for its innovative Kevlar® Gel Vento range, which offers lightweight protection and impact resistance for your horse. The properties of Kevlar® make the new tendon and fetlock boots robust, yet at the same time light and flexible.

Thanks to its traction, abrasion, and heat resistance, the new Kevlar® Gel Vento range is perfect for protecting your horse from impact, falls and injuries, while offering total comfort, maximum dexterity, and freedom of movement.

Veredus Kevlar Gel Vento Ankle Boots
The Kevlar® Gel Vento™ is a fetlock boot which includes a Kevlar protective layerThis synthetic mate..
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Veredus Kevlar Gel Vento Open Front Boots
The Kevlar® Gel Vento™ is a tendon boot which includes a Kevlar protective layerThis synthetic mater..
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Veredus STS Kevlar Gel Vento Ankle Boots
The Kevlar® Gel Vento™ is a fetlock boot which includes a Kevlar protective layerThis synthetic mate..
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Veredus STS Kevlar Gel Vento Open Front Boots
The Kevlar® Gel Vento™ is a tendon boot which includes a Kevlar protective layerThis synthetic mater..
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